
How To Plan A School Dance

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If yous work with your school'due south student government association, you lot may detect yourself involved in planning the homecoming dance. A school trip the light fantastic is a large event, and properly planning one means not but picking themes and decorations but balancing budgets, booking entertainment, and helping to coordinate a big number of volunteers. The planning process can be long, but if you lot make sure you have enough help, money, and fourth dimension when you start, yous tin put on a successful homecoming dance.

  1. 1

    Recruit volunteers. Planning a dance takes a lot of piece of work and so it is best to take a team of people to aid. Class a committee of 5-x volunteers who want to work on the homecoming trip the light fantastic.

    • Get class officers involved. This is an easy way to help ensure all classes have an even voice in the decision-making process.
    • Recruit from outside student government. If your arrangement allows, recruit from students beyond campus who are looking to go involved with leadership activities.
    • Partner with other organizations such every bit pep groups or student leadership groups. This offers you more than support from the student body besides equally potential volunteers.
  2. 2

    Create a basic to-exercise list. As the trip the light fantastic toe planning progresses this list may grow, only information technology will assistance your team to stay on task. Begin with:

    • Appointment
    • Theme
    • Location
    • Decorations
    • DJ
    • Photographer
    • Refreshments
    • Chaperons
    • Upkeep
    • Faculty Adviser


  3. 3

    Delegate. Once you lot have your volunteers, it's important to make sure they all know what jobs need to be done. Put certain people in accuse of sure matters, and delegate what needs to exist done to the right person.[1]

    • Some jobs, such as picking an adviser and a theme, should exist done every bit a team. Others, such as getting quotes from venues and photographers, tin can be handled past an individual or a modest sub-committee.
    • Have groups to cover venue, entertainment, advertising and ticket sales, and decorating.
    • Bank check in on a regular basis with your team. Ask "Have we completed this yet?" or "How are we doing with finding a DJ?" whenever your team meets to help keep everyone on task.
    • Set up a cheque-in system so people can report their progress. Have a space where you lot can write out a large checklist of what needs to be done, or go along a shared calendar between your group so everyone can report on their progress.
  4. iv

    Observe a faculty adviser. Like other pupil groups, a homecoming committee will need a kinesthesia adviser. If one is non pre-assigned, find a instructor who you trust or who comes well-recommended past other committee members.[2]

    • Your adviser should be involved with your committee's plans. Proceed them upward to appointment with everything you exercise by having them attend planning meetings and providing them with coming together notes.
  5. v

    Recruit chaperones. Parent volunteers are an important not but for monitoring students, but for helping with gear up and running the dance. Go a group of parent volunteers together to help on the evening of the dance.

    • Check with your school to see how many chaperones they require per pupil. Many schools take their own guidelines, and it is important to comply with your ain school's regulations.
    • Work with your school's parent-teacher association to notice volunteers. Ask to nourish a meeting then that you lot can direct present the opportunity to them and pass around a sign-up list.
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  1. i

    Get quotes. If you lot are hiring a DJ, getting refreshments catered, getting professional person help with the decorations, or hiring a professional photographer, starting time gathering quotes at least one month in advance.

    • Ask about whatsoever surcharges or equipment fees, too as hourly rates. Inquire about what your vendors will supply, and what you are expected to have. For example, check with your DJ to see if they provide the sound system, or if you will need to hire one from elsewhere.
    • Contact at to the lowest degree three options for every vendor to ensure that you get competitive pricing.
  2. 2

    Brand your budget. Your budget will dictate much of what you tin can and cannot practice. Talk to your student government treasurer to better understand how much coin your committee has to spend on the dance.

    • Ask your faculty adviser to verify the upkeep. See if the school will contribute anything outside of the educatee government money.
    • Plan your budget to encompass everything you will need. Apply the quotes you got from your vendors as well as budget plans and receipts from previous years to effigy out what the trip the light fantastic will cost.
    • Do non allow your budget exceed the amount yous take available. Revisit your budget often to ensure you are on track.
  3. 3

    Fundraise. If your budget is not plenty to comprehend the price of the dance, create a fundraising plan with your committee. Explore multiple options both on and off campus.

    • Host broil sales on campus during lunch periods as well as earlier and subsequently schoolhouse.
    • Work with other student groups to raise money by hosting events such as a car wash. Events that let you lot accomplish out into your customs give you more than opportunities to bring in cash.
    • Ask local restaurants if they offering fundraising nights. Some restaurants may offering programs that donate a sure pct of profits for the night to a student organization. Partner with a local eatery and spread the word via flyers, emails, and social media.
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  1. 1

    Choose a theme. At least one calendar month before the dance, have a theme ready. Come upwards with five or six theme ideas equally a committee, and have a vote across campus so that students can pick their favorite.

    • Get approval from your staff adviser for whatsoever potential themes. Getting the theme cleared early on prevents subsequently potential disapproval.
    • Choose themes that fit the mood of the trip the light fantastic. If yous want a more formal dance, an Old Hollywood theme might be more appropriate. If you want a more casual dance, something like Embankment Luau may fit better.
  2. 2

    Reserve a venue. Whether the dance is going to be at a local hotel or in the school gym, brand sure you reserve a venue equally early on as possible. Filing a proper room reservation with your schoolhouse ensures that you become the infinite you need.[3]

    • Make a re-create of the venue contract or room reservation for your ain records, so that yous can reference it whenever you need it.
    • Include all necessary facilities on your reservation. If you need the gym, the bathrooms, and the kitchen to store refreshments, make sure to list all of them.
  3. three

    Volume your vendors. Get your DJ, photographer, and others booked as shortly as the budget is set up. Reserve any other equipment your vendors may need, such every bit sound systems, at this fourth dimension, likewise.

    • Work with your staff adviser to make sure all of the contracts are properly drawn up and include all the information your school needs.
    • Keep copies of any contracts or agreements for your committee's review.
  4. 4

    Create a day-of plan. Before everything becomes too hectic with the balance of homecoming, make a detailed programme of how you lot want the day of the dance to piece of work. Set your solar day-of plan a calendar month in advance.

    • Accept a detailed floor plan of your location and how you desire to decorate.
    • Depict out where the DJ should become, where the ticket tabular array is set, where lights should be strung, and other details.
    • Create a plan for coat-check. Decide where coats will be stored, where the table volition exist ready, and how yous will tag coats to keep them organized. As well make sure yous have at least one volunteer to human the table and ii to call back coats.
    • Designate someone every bit the day-of coordinator.This person volition communicate with the volunteers on the night of the dance and troubleshoot whatsoever problems that might come up.
  5. 5

    Get shopping. Get all the supplies you need for decorating two to three weeks in accelerate. That fashion, you have enough of time to discover alternatives for something if you cannot observe information technology locally. Shop for food the day of or the mean solar day earlier so that nothing goes bad.

    • Check with local stores to see if they are willing to donate certain items or offering a discount to the schoolhouse.
    • Put larger items or perishable items on hold. Talk to your local market about reserving food trays in advance and picking them upwardly the solar day of the dance. Exercise the aforementioned for larger decorative items that you might non be able to store hands on campus.
  6. 6

    Sell tickets. Kickoff selling tickets at least ii weeks before the actual dance. Compliment sales with advertisements in the school announcements, as well as banners and posters across campus.

    • Announce sales dates and ticket prices in advance in your school paper, during your school announcements, and on your schoolhouse'southward website as well every bit social media.
    • Fix up a table to sell earlier and subsequently schoolhouse for a half-hour to an hour, as well every bit during lunch periods.
    • Create a volunteer schedule to make sure the table is staffed during all sales times. Work with your treasurer to go other volunteers, if need exist.
    • Social club your greenbacks box at least one week before you start selling tickets. Talk to your treasurer well-nigh whether the cash box will be provided by the student authorities clan, the schoolhouse administration, or from another source.
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  1. 1

    Prepare for the calendar week before. Most schools atomic number 82 up to their homecoming dance with a homecoming spirit week. Spirit weeks often involve many events, and then make sure you know who and what volition exist available to you.

    • Talk with your staff adviser about equipment such every bit tables and chairs. Make sure these are ready for you lot at to the lowest degree a few hours before the dance so that you tin can set upwards.
    • Talk with school administration to make sure your vendors have designated areas to park, unload, and set up. Remember, those with heavy equipment will need to be close to the venue.
    • Create a plan for the day of the dance. Work with your committee and whatever boosted volunteers to assign duties such equally setting upward chairs and decorating. Make sure everyone knows their job well in advance.
  2. ii

    Fix the venue. Requite yourself and your volunteers at least six hours to fix up the trip the light fantastic toe. Get decorations set upwardly as much as possible before your vendors get in.

    • Accept the DJ, lensman, and chaperons arrive early on. Show the DJ the expanse where they volition be working, and give the photographer a tour of the space.
    • Delegate duties to the chaperons such as helping with coat check, monitoring the trip the light fantastic floor, or helping with oversupply control. Show them where they need to be and put them in touch with the twenty-four hours-of coordinator.
  3. 3

    Enjoy the trip the light fantastic toe. Make sure you and all of your volunteers have some fourth dimension to savour the dance, likewise. Build breaks into your volunteers' schedules and then that everyone has some time to accept fun.

    • For example, let a ticket-taker relieve your solar day-of coordinator for a while one time everyone is in, or go a chaperone to stand in on coat-check while the coat attendants go dance.
    • Your volunteers are students, too. Give them time to savor their efforts.
  4. 4

    Clean up the venue. As soon as the dance is over, start taking downwardly decorations and cleaning. Find out what your school'southward facilities services will accept care of, and plan to practise the residue with your volunteers.

    • Facilities services often cover things like vacuuming, mopping, and bathroom cleaning. Decorations, tables, chairs, and equipment are often the homecoming committee's responsibility.
    • Bring extra cleaning supplies such as paper towels, trash bags, sponges, and cleaning solution. This will aid take care of any smaller marks or scuffs effectually the venue.
    • Brand certain all trash gets to a designated trash area. Ask your school if you need to schedule a dumpster driblet-off and choice-up for result make clean-upward.
    • Try to recruit as much help equally possible for clean up. It's also a good idea to have volunteers walk around during the event and pick upward trash so there's less to do afterward.[four]
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    How much funding tin I ask my high school for?

    Diana A.C.

    Diana A.C.

    Community Answer

    The get-go footstep would be to speak to the principal or vice principal about who is in accuse of handling the upkeep for a high school homecoming trip the light fantastic toe. Depending on who they say, you can make inquiries with that person on the homecoming trip the light fantastic toe upkeep and its limitations. Each loftier school is different, though, so rather than asking for a specific corporeality, see how much the school is working with in the get-go place.

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  • Make certain you advertise your dance equally much as possible around school. Employ small and big posters along with message announcements and PA announcements.

  • Themes for dances can be annihilation from Set up Fix Glow to Under the Bounding main to a Nighttime in Athens. Get creative and source ideas from the student body.

  • Keep the dance affordable. Information technology'south supposed to be a fun event and students won't go if they experience it'southward non worth it. Await at by years to see how much tickets toll, and try not to enhance the price past more than than a few dollars.


  • Do non leave everything to the concluding minute. Give yourself enough of time to programme and take care of whatever conflict.


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